Bishop Steve Moran
AAFCJ International Missions
Bishop Steve Moran is the Secretary of International Missions of the Apostolic Assembly, elected for the 2022 to 2026 term.
He was born on June 8, 1958, in Redwood City, California. Both of his grandfathers were pioneering pastors of the Apostolic Assembly. At a young age, he was filled with the Holy Ghost. At the age of 16, he was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ on January 12, 1975, by Pastor Elías B. Castillo in the Apostolic Assembly of East Palo Alto, California. That same year he attended the first Central American Convention, led by Bishops Daniel Jauhall and Gilbert Amaya, wherein the Lord ignited his heart with a love for the missionary field.
After his conversion, he was immediately active with the Messengers of Peace at the local, sector, and district levels. He was initiated into the ministry in 1987 and ordained in 1989 at the North Pacific Coast District convention. He was Interim Pastor from 1992 to 1993 in East Palo Alto. In 1996 he was appointed Pastor of the Apostolic Assembly in Watsonville, California. For the next eighteen years, he would lead the church to impact the community. The church had three services on Sundays, one in English, one in Spanish, and one in Mixtec.
The bishop served on the International Missions Committee from 2007 to 2014. In 2014 he responded to the call of God and was appointed Bishop Regional Supervisor for the Caribbean. In 2019 he was assigned the task of forming a new missionary region for the churches in the continent of Africa. In the same year, he was appointed Pastor of New Life Family Center in Lacey, Washington. God has given the growth in Lacey and in Africa. The Africa region began with churches in four countries in 2019, three years later the Apostolic Assembly’s missionary presence had grown to nine countries.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and a Doctor of Chiropractic from the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1984. He practiced for over twenty-five years before dedicating himself to the pastorship. He graduated from the International Apostolic Bible College with a Bachelor in Theology, from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico with a Master of Religion, and a Doctorate of Ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary.
He currently lives in Lacey with his wife Teresa. Together they have three children: Crystal, and her husband Tre; Steven, and his wife Daisy; and Kierston, with her husband Neftalí. They have one precious granddaughter Ariah, the daughter of Steven and Daisy.